Getting a scholarship for college costs is an achievement in and of itself. However, it’s even more impressive when you don’t have to pay the money back! Scholarships are awarded by groups or individuals with an interest in helping students afford their educations. And sometimes, these people will award a scholarship to a student who…
Category: Student’s Life
10 Tips for a Semester Abroad
Are you thinking about studying abroad? Maybe you’ve been looking at different countries and not really sure where to go. Well, have no fear! Here are 10 solid tips for a semester abroad: 1. Pick somewhere you will be able to get around easily and comfortably. It’s awful when you’re constantly getting lost while trying to…
Why More Students Are Choosing Online Education
It’s no secret that the cost of attending college in recent years has skyrocketed, even for seemingly affordable degrees at public universities. Between the rising cost of tuition and housing, books, transportation, and other living expenses like having a social life or groceries, it can be hard to keep up with all of your monthly…
What Are the Best Ways To Use Your Study Time?
Your college days are some of the most important years in your life. You have heard all you can about study habits, but there are so many different opinions on the topic that it is difficult to know what to believe. Some say studying in smaller chunks spread out over time is better than cramming…
Why You Need a College Degree
The next couple of years are crucial for high school students. There’s so much to consider when you’re making the decision to go to college or not that it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for students who are trying to figure out what’s best for their futures. I know that, when I…
Most Common Study Habits of College Students
Many students struggle with how to study for their classes. There are several ways to study, however, some are more effective than others. Many college students have had experience on both sides of the spectrum: studying differently and seeing different results from each style. Over the course of four years, there is bound to be…